Jan 28, 2008

Violence in Kenya continues

Latest on the situation on the ground, from Aljazeera English. I'll try to write a little more on this in the coming few days.


Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Abdurahman and all,

Peace requires truth, justice, and wisdom...

So, what are the chances that politics and politicians will solve anything, before creating even bigger problems?

Wisdom dictates that we let results speak for themselves, hence the instruction to "know them by their fruits" (the end-results of deeds). Now look at this sad, sordid, and chaotic excuse for a civilization, created by money, religion, and politics, and tell me again that these three "strong delusions" are good for anyone, except those in power.

A wise man once explained that insanity is often characterized by doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. Humanity has been struggling and suffering because of money, politics, and religion for millennia, yet ages-old evils persist and humanity's errors have grown so great that all life is now threatened with widespread destruction and/or extinction.

That brings us to the crux question !!

Here is Wisdom...


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