Jan 1, 2009

I'm back from a long break from blogging. I wanted to congratulate everyone on the new year but that would inappropriate when Israel, in only five days, murdered four hundred Palestinians, and injured close to two thousand, in Gaza while the world watches.

The tragedy is that nobody will stop Israel, and Arabs in particular. How could they when their governments are part of the plot, and specially Egypt which had approved of bombing Gaza in the hope of getting rid of Hamas.

The suffering of the people of Gaza didn't start five days ago. For more than a year, they had to endure a merceless seige both from Israel and from Egypt. Basic food and drugs were not allowed in, let alone the loss of jobs and the complete destruction of the local economy. As the Arabic saying goes "the aggression from your brother is more painful than that of the enemy", and for Gazans, it's the Egyptian government that had refused to open the Rafah crossing to let in food and medicine, and it hurts more.

The people in the Arab world have expressed their anger at their governments, but they know better than to expect much from them or the Arab League. Some of the Arab governments, just as it was with the Lebanon war in 2006, are counting on Israel to take out Hamas. At the end, Arab leaders will have a summit and meet when it's all over, and conguratulate themselves that they still have their seats.

And After Israel feels it has killed enough Palestinians and pulls out, the people of Gaza will still be under seige and as the Egyptian president confirmed Rafah crossing will not be opened.


Mattes said...

Interesting that you completely ignore the thousands of missles shot at Israel by the Hamas militants over the past many years. I wonder how you would feel if you area were bombarded daily and you had 15-30 seconds to run to air raid shelters. I wonder what you would say to your government if they did nothing to stop it. And I wonder if your government would actually pick up the telephone and call the homes where they will bomb to defend themselves and tell the people to leave the homes. It seems that youare just another one sided hypocrate. I was hoping I was wrong when I read other great items on your blogs.

Abdurahman Warsame said...


Thank you so much for your comment and happy new year. My friend Hanna kept this blog alive but I hope I'll contribute more in 2009. thanks again.

Abdurahman Warsame said...


Firstly Hamas rockets rarely kill or injure, but there is a very good reason for why they're fired. You see, the cities that these rockets hit (Ashkelon, Ashdod and Beersheba) are all Palestinian towns but the Palestinians were made to leave, mostly to Gaza. If someone takes your house the list you could do is to show that you didn't give up or forget: and that's precisely what these rockets are meant to do.

As for those who had to run to shelter, I wonder what they expected when they came to an occupied land: did they think that those who owned the land would resist, or have the right to resist?

And how on earth can you compare the killing of four hundred people in few days, mostly civilians and destroying schools, universities and mosques to rockets that had killed less than 10 people in five years.