In the interview he says that he's the chairman of a party which has PM Gedi and President Abdullah Yusuf as members, I've no clue of what he's talk about - I doubt anyone does. You also notice that his English is quite poor, Aljazeera has to add subtitles. Aideed spent over a decade in US. I won't say anything of his facial expressions.
There are many decent and articulate individuals who also oppose the Ethiopian presence in Somalia, but Aideed can only hurt the cause.
Let me correct you my friend, Hussein Aideed was not inteviewed by Al-jazeera; he was interviewed by news agency based in London called Frontline at I myself download the video you are using to under the username of INARAG. Please try to do some research before you post something with wrong information!
thanks for the comment bro but this interview was by Aljazeera English. It was for a program called "People & Power", and if you look at the owner you'll see that it's Aljazeera English channel. Here's the Youtube link:
BTW: I work for Aljazeera
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