Mar 2, 2008

Digital News Affairs (DNA2008)

I've arrived this morning in Brussels to attend NDA2008. The two day conference gathers some of the top professionals and executives at the intersection between news media and new media. The agenda of the conference promises to "answer the key questions" but I don't think there are "answers" as each organisation has a different approach to the issues discussed, instead, various approaches will be presented: CNN's iReport, Aljazeera's Youtube channels and the BBC's usage of social content.

Video content (and video journalism) is given plenty of space in the conference with panels like "Can video save the print industry?", "Video journalism goes mainstream?" and "How online video changes the broadcast industry?", to name a few. Other panels will look into news content in blogs, mobile devices and social networks, as well as panels on news content in video games (virtual reality) and, of course, dealing with user generated content. Branding, advertising and free content are all discussed in the second day.

There were few topics I'd hoped would be featured - but I can't find them in the
agenda - including training (journalists and the executive management, for example). But I'm sure a discussion on this will surface somewhere in these panels.

The first day of the conference will be chaired by Aljazeera's
Richard Gizbert who presents The Listening Post a weekly media critique program. Russell Merryman the Chief Editor of Aljazeera English - mistakenly printed in the conference literature as Aljazeera International - will be speaking on couple panels.

I won't be presenting or taking part in panels so I'll try to live blog (but I need to get an adapter for my charger first). Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I agree. More around training on the agenda would have been nice to see.

Good luck finding the adaptor

cold_spring said...

All the best of luck Bro. Have fun down there :)

Abdurahman Warsame said...

thanks bro. I admit I'd fun down there, i needed the cold weather