Jun 5, 2007

Al Shabab, a terrorist splinter group from the Islamic Courts

For the first time in 17 years, Mogadishu is entirely under the control of a Somali government - be it with Ethiopian occupation. Ethiopian troops defeated insurgent militias in the streets of Mogadishu in April, but the security situation hasn't improved. Instead, the militias are now carrying out suicide bombings, daily bomb attacks and assassinations against government officials.

Splinter groups from the Islamic Courts are conducting these attacks. It's becoming clearer that Islamic Courts were only an umbrella for diverse groups each with a different agenda. One of those groups was the clan militias, led by a warlord nicknamed "Indha Adde", who held the biggest force within the Islamic Courts, they were used to defeat the warlords allied with the US. Another group was the Islamic Courts militia, mostly militias of the powerful businessmen in Mogadishu. Then there's the hardcore Al-Qaeda-type group, mostly Somalis who fought overseas alongside the Taliban and elsewhere, and unlike the other groups their aim was to capture the whole of Somalia. However, the leadership of the Islamic Courts were more realistic, and that's what kept this group in-check.

Once the Islamic Courts were ousted, the clan militias and most of the Islamic Courts militias give up their weapons and many joined the police or the military. But hardcore militant groups were set free, there was no more Islamic Courts leadership to constrain them. They renamed themselves Almujahidin Al-Shabab. This group is committed to fight, not only the Ethiopians, but any Somali government they don't consider Islamic (their brand of Islam).

So far they've carried out at least four suicide bombings, a tactic unknown before in Somalia. The most recent of these suicide attacks was against prime minister Ali Ghedi, though it wasn't the first against a senior government official. The latest suicide bomber was barely a teenager, it was painful to watch his prerecorded message. Though they might claim otherwise, leaders of the Islamic Courts have no control over this group.


Anonymous said...

the world has its on madness if those who fight for there liberation were terrorist,who is right?AMERICA,isreal or iran.we only wait and join the third worldwar between cruiseaid and real al-qaida inshaalah.lets those who fear islam die before their day.please stop calling them terorist.

Anonymous said...

you sound like an idiot writing stuff like that. Where do you get your facts? from the government or from Ethiopia? Perhaps you are a US operative pretending to be a somali blogger? Either way, find out the truth then tell it to others. Don't write stuff that is basesless for the sake of hatred in your heart. This article is no more than nonesense.

Anonymous said...

I consider the ICU and Al-Shabab as the heros of Somalia. They are fighting for freedom and justice. They are not terrorist, they are only doing what they are actually supposed to. USA has absolouly NOTHING to do with this issue. I know well that USA and (perhaps) other western countires are supporting the EThiopian to continue the fighting. Certainly, if the ethiopians troops are supported by providing what they need, they will never ever defeat the ICU/Al-Shabab. Only the number of the somalian civilican death will increase...This war is between the Somalians and they can sort it. Ethiopian and US are not needed for this matter.

Anonymous said...

al shabab has right to fight the ethopians but has not right to bomb and kill innocent people who dont know what is going on

Anonymous said...

assalam aleikum first of all what is terrorist? it is indevigual problem just scaring people but like america when it's fight with some country they don't call them freedom fighters ofcourse it's known as stratagie they call them terrorist to scare other people not to join there brothers in islam in all over the world. so join thema?jihaad will continue until judgement day inshaallah...if you truely belive fear allah? and about inocent people haaahaa why they used us a shield by kuffar so i don't think that rings abell in my brain we will fight until we die?

Anonymous said...

Salam...La illaha ilallah ..there is only one.all of creation and God ,only one .All the fighting ,one against the other ,only satan, only ego, big fighting man only fighting with yourself, spreading the poverty of your soul where you can ,caught in the illusion of separation from the one, following satan who is leading you to hell for your crimes against your brothers and sisters . may allah have mercy on you and lead you into his light.Amin

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Nothing can justify the killings of innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Assalamu Calaykum Waraxmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu.
I am Deeply suddenned by the killings that are happenening everywhere. It is uncalled for and keeps the revenge score higher and makes it endless. Everyone will be judged alone in the day of Judgement for the atrocities that one brings with his or her own hands. We do not want our brothers and sdisters to be hurt and so we should not hurt other s brothers and sisters. The world is not a place we live forever and one needs to look at it as a cultivation for the eternal life hereafter. What will you face your Almighty Allah with if what you have in your hands are the blood of the innocent. I Beg you all in the name of ALLAH to stop this killings because what it does is only reduce the number and increase the haterate.

Allow another person to have an opinion of his/her own, because there is no force in Islam and Allah has made his religion Clear.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the greatest proponents of terrorism are safely insulated in Europe or North America? Put your ass where your convictions lie

Stacy Warner said...

It is concerning that splinter groups are resorting to violence and terrorism.